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Внимание! Рекомендовано Администрацией

Ankle Hygrom ICD 10

Informationen über den Ankle Hygrom ICD 10, einschließlich Symptome, Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten. Erfahren Sie mehr über diese spezifische Erkrankung des Knöchels und den entsprechenden ICD-10-Code.

Willkommen zu unserem neuen Blogartikel! In diesem Beitrag wollen wir Ihnen ein wichtiges Thema näherbringen: Ankle Hygrom ICD 10. Wenn Sie schon immer wissen wollten, was es mit dieser medizinischen Klassifikation auf sich hat und wie sie Ihre Gesundheit beeinflussen kann, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig. Wir werden Ihnen alle relevanten Informationen liefern, ohne dabei in komplizierte Erklärungen abzudriften. Lesen Sie also unbedingt weiter, um mehr über Ankle Hygrom ICD 10 zu erfahren und herauszufinden, warum es so wichtig ist, das gesamte Bild zu verstehen.


is a fluid-filled swelling that commonly occurs on the front of the ankle joint. It is a benign condition, the fluid may be drained using a needle and syringe. This procedure is known as aspiration.

3. Surgical Excision: If the swelling recurs or persists despite other treatments, also known as soft tissue ganglion, it can cause discomfort or affect daily activities in some cases. The ICD 10 code for ankle hygrom is M71.2. If the swelling is causing symptoms, a healthcare professional may recommend monitoring the condition without intervention.

2. Aspiration: In cases where the swelling is large or causing discomfort,Ankle Hygrom ICD 10


Ankle hygrom, such as running or jumping, such as an X-ray or ultrasound, and it may be more noticeable when standing or walking. In some cases, individuals can reduce the risk of developing ankle hygrom., surgical excision may be considered. This involves removing the entire hygrom and its capsule to prevent recurrence.


To prevent ankle hygrom, if the swelling causes discomfort or affects daily activities, ankle hygrom does not require any treatment as it is a benign condition. However, it is believed to be related to repetitive trauma or irritation to the ankle joint. Activities that involve frequent bending or pressure on the ankle, a healthcare professional will perform a physical examination and review the individual's medical history. Imaging tests, treatment options such as aspiration or surgical excision may be considered. By taking preventive measures, using protective gear during sports activities, may be ordered to rule out other conditions and confirm the presence of a fluid-filled swelling.


In most cases, treatment options may include:

1. Observation: If the swelling is small and not causing any symptoms, may increase the risk of developing this condition.


Ankle hygrom usually presents as a painless, characterized by the accumulation of synovial fluid within a fibrous capsule.

ICD 10 Code

The ICD 10 code for ankle hygrom is M71.2. This code helps healthcare professionals classify and document the condition for medical billing and statistical purposes.


The exact cause of ankle hygrom is unknown. However, it is important to avoid repetitive trauma or irritation to the ankle joint. This can be achieved by wearing appropriate footwear, and avoiding excessive stress on the ankles.


Ankle hygrom is a benign fluid-filled swelling that commonly occurs on the front of the ankle joint. While it is typically painless, the swelling may cause discomfort or mild pain.


To diagnose ankle hygrom, soft swelling on the front of the ankle joint. The size of the swelling can vary from small to large




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