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Asher Cooper
Asher Cooper

Mumbai Police Malayalam Movie Dvdrip Download

Like theres no end to crime anywhere, and where it eventually worked for a while fighting bad with bad and worst for worst, they eventually got punished and dolloped with by their own. Cause mumbai police force encounters, or may i say enforcers, cause it was that their real mission was, upon criminal organisations and terrorists had an asphyxiating effect , and made mumbai for a period become a silent town crimewise...quite unheard of really for western ears and eyes , giving a task force carte blanche authority over life, death and justice. And that really ruined their tactics, when an article in time magazine told the story about them dirty harry's of mumbai.So crime came back, and are still ruling the streets of a documentary production its a historical testament of mumbai, a city of dirt and chaos, where i least of all wouldve acted as a policeman. They use loads of media reels, and interviews, but the historians and humanists are oblivious. I do also miss mentioning of the mumbai hotel terror attack of 201?, that mustve had links to the d-company of gangsters. And in the end must be mentioned the lack of a pure time line, especially the latter third of the film...but its a well made film on its premisses, the grumpy old man who hasnt and wouldnt visit mumbai, will recommend a view, its raw nature of crime shown en masse'.

Mumbai Police Malayalam Movie Dvdrip Download




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